P4 and P5 have been learning all about the techniques of writing poetry.  They have been looking at personification, similes, imagery, and onomatopoeia. Young Writers is currently running a competition called 'Once Upon A Dream'  and our talented P4 and P5 children have been writing their own poems.  Here is a small sample of their poems - we hope you enjoy them and we hope that all our children will do well in the competition.


There I was standing in the forest,

Ready to run the race.

And then I was a transformer megabot,

Never before in such a high place.

So there I was, facing a decepticon,

Fighting for peace and justice,

Offering help to humans.

Many decepticon to defeat

Eager to smash the decepticon into pieces,

Running so much to save the humans.

So there, my mission is completed!

When I wake I feel victorious and elated.

Champion of champions! Or was it all a dream?

Andrew P5


I fell asleep....

I was an athlete teacher

I was friends with a preacher.

My surname was Reacher.

I married the prince,

He was called Vince.

He gave me a kiss from over the fence.

I had a cat which was wild.

One day it was mild

The phone I dialled

Wait for them to pick up.

Listening carefully the phone I did cup

Then a voice said,

"Emily it's time to get up!"

Emily P5


Night is coming in dreamland.

Soon the stars will come.

The sun is fading in the sky,

The moon and stars to show,

Flash! it is a star!

Twinkle, twinkle.

"Where are you little star?"

I can see you,

Come to me little star.

Travel far with me.

Through dreamland we will go

And adventures will be

Around ever corner.

Peri P4


There was a fairy called Stella,

She had a sister called Ella.

They took me to their land.

I asked for their demand.

I jumped into the sand,

I fell into the river,

I felt I might shiver.

I had a little quiver.

We found a pot of gold,

I thought I had a cold.

I saw someone who never gets old.

I saw a unicorn

It had a shining horn.

I saw a fairy who said

She was just born.

It's all very crazy

In fairy dream land you see,

Anything can happen in it,

If you want it to be.

Ella P4


On a dark night,

I had a fright.

On the roof I stood,

Superpowers in me,

To put me in the mood.

Let's start this adventure.

An evil man approaches,

"Help!" I plea

He roars at me,

His voice like thunder

Wakens the clouds.

They grumble "Go back to bed!"

With a twitch of my finger,

He grew a big head.

He turned all red.

"I am the one who invented the bed!" he boomed.

Power from my feet

Tingled out from my eyes.

The clouds they grew angry,

Turning all grey.

Filling with water,

Ready to burst.

Suddenly gush! A tsunami did start.

Gush went the water

Sweeping all evil away.

Now my nightmare is solved

I can sleep tight.

Alexander P5


As the icing reflects the sun,

As the candles burn down to the brim.

The sponge as soft as a cloud,

The sweets around the cake sparkle blue.

Sweets as blue as the ocean.

The cream in the middle

Is as soft as a teddy.

The strawberries on top

As red as mummy's lipstick.

A mouth that's as dry as sand

Soon starts to flow a river of drool.

It drips onto my pillow like a tropical storm.

The puddle soon gathers to be an ocean.

When my wake up call sounds

My tummy is rumbling.

"What would you like for breakfast?" mummy asks.

"Chocolate cake!" I exclaim.

Harley P5