Internet Safety Week

Children in P4-7 were thrilled with the opportunity to play a variety of games in school on Thurs 14th February and learn important messages about choosing games wisely and ‘stranger danger’ whilst gaming. The point was illustrated by asking the children the simple question, “What would you do if a stranger tried to talk to you / offered you a bar of chocolate at the park?”. Playing games with people you don’t actually know in person is similar.

Mike, from Godmodex, also spoke to some parents about how to set parental controls on game consoles and the importance of checking (and understanding) the ‘PEGI’ ratings. He suggested parents watch YouTube trailers of games to help them decide if a game is suitable for their child or visit the website which reviews the ratings of games and offers feedback from other users.



On Tuesday 11th February in assembly we welcomed Olivia from the WE Charity. WE Charity, formerly known as Free The Children, is an international development charity and youth empowerment movement founded in 1995 by human rights advocates Marc and Craig Kielburger. The organization has development programs in nine countries, focusing on education, water, health, food and economic opportunity. Olivia encouraged our children to get involved in trying to improve the quality of life for children all around the world. After assembly, Olivia ran workshops for P5 children. Their focus was on ‘bullying’. P6 and P7 had a workshop on ‘Waste’ - wasting water, food etc.


A special thanks to two of the staff from Kennedy’s Pharmacy who came to school to speak to the P6 and P7 children about the dangers of smoking.


P1 and P2 have been learning about the work of Coastguards as part of their WAU topic - People Who Help Us. They designed and made their own boats and then had a very exciting boat race. Have a look at their fantastic designs and the competitive boat races.


Congratulations to everyone who received a certificate for Accelerated Reading this half term. We are really encouraged by the effort that our pupils put in to achieve their individual targets. We are also delighted that the Accelerated Scheme has developed a love of reading throughout our school.


Congratulations to Flora, P4 who was the winner of the Accelerated Reading Cup for this half term. Flora had achieved an amazing 43.8 points!


P6&7 have been looking at the topic ‘Thrills and Spills’ in World Around Us. As part of this they have been thinking about the different forces in play all around us.  Hasson’s Engineering kindly invited P6/7 to view a bridge they had been working on, in the final stages of construction.  The children enjoyed seeing first-hand the work that goes into the creation of a bridge and learning about the science behind it.   Many thanks to Hasson’s for giving up their time to host our visit.



Congratulations to Ethan, Emma, Molly and Grace whose artwork was chosen to be displayed in Children’s Work on our website.


January assembly awards were presented for ‘Being Kind and Caring’, ‘Excellent Technology Skills’, ‘Excellent P.E. Skills’, and ‘Progress in Literacy’.


In assembly this week, Stephen, Grace, Alexander and Andrew were presented with their certificates and shields, following their success in the recent Road Safety Quiz. They are now looking forward to the Northern Ireland Final on 4th March in Belfast.


Congratulations to Susanna P5, Hana P4 and Joy P1 who received lunchtime awards for ‘Being a good example’. Matthew P7, received his lunchtime award for ‘Being a really patient server’. Tyler P7 received a special award for being exceptionally helpful to the younger children in school in the dinner hall.


Congratulations to Isaac P6 who was awarded a Distinction in his Initial piano exam. Hannah P6 was awarded a Merit in her Grade 1 Clarinet exam. Both Isaac and Hannah are pupils of Mrs Heather McAleese who teaches piano in our school.


Congratulations to Alexander in P7 who has now read more than two million words in the Accelerated Reading Scheme. He already had one million words last year!

Keeping Children Safe

We are very aware of our responsibilities to keep children safe whilst they are entrusted to our care. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy has recently been reviewed and updated and can be found under the ‘Policies and Documents’ section of our website.

Mrs Lorna Wylie has kindly agreed to serve as Designated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

We are also holding a parent information session to help parents understand how to keep their child safe whilst they are playing games online (Thurs 14th Feb @ 11.30am, in the school library).


Grace, Alexander, Stephen and Andrew took part in the Kilrea, Rasharkin and Dunloy Credit Union General Knowledge Quiz, today, Although they did not come 1st or 2nd they did really well and answered lots of questions correctly.


Yesterday four of our P7 children, Alexander, Andrew, Stephen and Grace took part in the Causeway Coast & Glens heat of the NI Primary school road safety quiz. There were twenty four teams taking part and we were delighted that our team came 2nd in the competition. They now go into the Northern Ireland Road Safety Quiz final which will be held in early March.


There was great excitement in the P1 and P2 classroom when they had a visit from two paramedics, Joe and Robert, as part of their ‘Helping Hands’ topic.  Robert and Joe told them about their job and demonstrated how to put on a bandage, how to use foil to keep warm, how to use oxygen and Miss O'Boyle had her blood pressure taken and heart rate checked.  Afterwards the children went outside to see inside the ambulance and to listen to the siren.  Thank you so much to Joe and Robert for taking time to visit us at Rasharkin Primary School.


Congratulations to all the children from P4- P7 who received certificates for reaching their Accelerated Reading targets for this half term.