Primary 1 and Primary 2 have been looking at the topic ‘Five a Day’. They have been looking at how eating vegetables and fruit is a great way to keep our bodies healthy.

They have been linking their topic work to all aspects of their learning.

  • Numeracy - sorting and counting apples. Sorting leaves and sticks and seeds.

  • Literacy - reading Handa’s Surprise and Oliver’s Vegetables. They wrote their own poem together. They used some really great describing words in their poem


Yellow smooth banana

Sweet juicy apple

Spikey leaved pineapple.

They used playdough to make fruit from the story Handa’s Surprise

  • Playroom - Built a garden shed and they had a Fruit and Vegetable shop

  • Outdoor activities - Went for a walk and they dug up the carrots that had been planted in spring time. They also gathered the leaves and seeds for sorting and counting. They saw the apples growing on the trees